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Gottlieb System80B


- direct replacement for Gottlieb MA-644

- LED, no high voltage

- can be dimmed

- no new wiring, thanks to a step-down converter

- optionally powered by internal or external 5V supply

GODISP80B assembled by JLCPCB


PCB can be preassembled by JLCPCB. You only need to add a few components:

- PIC18F45K42 (link to Mouser) The PIC need to be programmed, you find the programm on my repository server (link below). You can program the PIC either with my DIY programmer or with the PICKIT3.

- Axial Elko 470uF with minimum 63V e.g from here

- LED displays. If you want blue LEDs, you need ten displays of type "KEM-394D-AB" "0.39inch 4 digit 16 segment alphanumeric, common cathode", which can be found on Alibaba here. Other colors are available, see pictures below.

In addition add a solder bridge to select powersource. I recommend using the bridge marked with (*) to select the integrated step-down converter.

installation & configuration

GODISP80B has same mounting holes as the original display and can be installed in minutes.

A basic testroutine and brightness setting can be done via the two dip switches and the 'Test' button.

Functionality of the test button depends on the setting of the two DIP switches

DIP1: OFF:   for a few seconds all segments will be lit.

DIP1: ON: brightness setting (LEVEL 1..20)

            DIP2: OFF: each push to test button will increase brightness level

            DIP2: ON: each push to test button will decrease brightness level

brightness setting menu
Blue LEDs "KEM-394D-AB"
Green LEDs "KEM-394D-APG"

Super green LEDs "KEM-394D-ASG"

Green LEDs in Gottlieb Raven

blue LEDs in Gottlieb Genesis