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'GoPOP80' a System80 pop bumber driver

This will replace your old System80 Pop Bumper Driver Boards (PBDB) and give you the opportunity to add These devices to your System1 game. It comes with LEDs to control 5 Volt and Solenoid power, a test button and with adjustment for pulse-time easily done by jumpering.

Two versions are available. Version 1 has only THT components for self soldering (cheap) and Version 3 with SMD components for assembly by JLCPCB.

Find below all Information you need to produce this. The PICs (both for ver1 & ver3) need to be programmed. I do recommend using a PICKIT3 for that. ( V1 can also be programmed with my DIY PIC programmer)


V1 soldered & blank PCB

possible adjustments

The pulse time for the bumper solenoid (standard without jumpers is 40ms) can be adjusted by the first five jumpers. You can use multiple jumpers while the pulse time setting is 'additional' to the default pulse time. So the range you can set is between  75ms and 25ms. -> ( (40+20+10+5 ) and (40 -10 - 5) )

The last three jumpers (debounce) are not used.


V3 assembled by JLCPCB

The board will be produced 90% 'plug&play' by JLCPCB. You only need to cut the 'key' pin of the Molex connector and program the PIC.

The PIC (PIC12F615) can be programmed using the integrated ICSP interface ( MCLR pin marked on PCB with the triangle).

With option jumper closed pulstime is 150ms instead of the default 40ms.

'ready' LED will be ON when 5Volt is supplied and PI software is running.

'24Volt' LED will be ON if 24Volt supply is present.

'shot' LED will blink when bumper is activated. For testing this can also be initiated by the 'shot' button.