-- v 069 special solenoids only activated with Game On -- v070 mapping WPC/De corrected -- v071 changed flipflop multiplexer for sound -- v072 another change for flipflop multiplexer for sound ('flipflops_fast' clocked now with 50MhZ) -- v080 selection Data East for each gamenumber >=32 ( game_select(5) = 0) -- v081 lamp_strobes / lamp_returns changed at PIA1 ( PA - PB ) was wrong in pinmame s11.c -- v082 bug: only one sound => clock multiplexer for sound back to 2MHz, flipflop_fast back to v2.0 -- v083 bug with lamp control => lamp_row (returns) output need to be negated -- v084 busy dmd always 0 -- v085 boot message for alphanumeric -- v086 start bootmessage early to prevent digit 1 all segments brightly lit at boot -- v087 prevent display garbage and (short) solenoid&lamp activation at CPU start -- v088 prevent sounds at CPU start, corrected chars bootmessage, latest flipflops.vhd from WillFA7 -- v089 segments now in RAM, added bootmessage for 2xalpha + 2xnumeric ( via gamedef.qip & WillFA11.hex ), flipflop clk_div2 external -- TODo -- CPU & Sound switch -- W7 jumper via options -- mem prot -- boot message for SYS9 -- all clocks to PLL ? -- eliminate LED ghosting ( happens also with org CPU )