LCD display for system1/80/80A/80B
Want a LCD Display for your test bench? UseGODI180!
Many thanks to Thierry for providing the pictures!
components needed:
- a HD44780 compatible Display 4 rows, 20 Digits
- PIC 18F45K22 (plus my Software, see below)
- a 5K Potentiometer
- one HCF4071 ( QUAD OR GATE)
Note: the PIC program MUST to be programmed in High Voltage mode,
which is NOT supported by my PIC programmer.
You may want to purchase a cheap pickit3 clone for that e.g. this one
For the 4x20 LCD display you can use the one from the 'Reichelt shop cart' or any other HD44780 compatible display ( LCD display on Aliexpress )