Gottlieb U2U3 Adapter
Gottlieb MPU adapter for combining U2&U3 roms
This is a project back from 2016.
The adapter is very similar to the Gottlieb 80B 'Piggyback' and can be used as a direct replacement for the original adapter on system 80B MPUs.
On an 80 or 80A board it is also possible to combine old U2&U3 2332 roms into one more 'modern' 2764 EPROM.Just combine the original roms with a DOS copy command: "copy /b u1.bin + u2.bin u2u3.bin" and burn u2u3.bin to the 2764 EPROM.
In addition to the PCB you need the (programmed) 2764 Eprom for your game, two adapter strips, a 74LS04 TTL IC and an IC socket for the 2764 Eprom.
Installation on a Gottlieb 80 or 80A MPU
Desolder the original U2 & U3 roms and place an IC socket to the postion of U3. The adapter will be placed into the socket at the original location of 'U3'.
No further board modification needed!