GottFA1 - a Gottlieb System1 MPU based on a low cost FPGA
This is a 1:1 functional replacement to an original Gottlieb System1 MPU, without the additional features of a LISY1, but with much faster boot and lower costs. You can build a GottFA1 for less than 70 Euros!
BOM and CPL provided do include all DIP sockets using the 'hand soldering' service from JLC. Here you only need solder a few parts yourself (see below), purchase the DIP chips and the SD card and place them on the board.
For easy replacement all chips placed at the 'corners' of GottFA1 are in DIP format.
Gottlieb System1 games supported
Cleopatra - Sinbad - Joker Poker - Dragon - Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Charlie's Angels - Solar Ride - Count-Down - Pinball Pool- Totem - The Incredible Hulk - Genie - Buck Rogers - Torch - Roller Disco - Asteroid Annie and the Aliens
parts needed
In additon to the GottFA1 PCB preassembled by JLCPCB you need a few ICs, a micro SD card, a FPGA and an USB Blaster to be able to program your FPGA. You can either let JLCPCB build it for you (my DIY board) or purchase one on Aliexpress ( e.g. this one FPGA board ). For the other parts see Reichelt shop cart.
Have a look at my FPGA page to select which one you want to use.
Note: with Gottlieb it is always a good idea to replace the contacts in the edge connectors. This is also highly recommended for GottFA1!
Documentation & Software
Due to copyrigth on Gottlieb roms the SD card does not contain any rom code, but do provide the right struture for GottFA1. Have a look at the user manual to see how you can copy your rom images onto the Sd card.
how to order your GottFA1 PCB
Have a look to the PCB documentation section.
Needed Gerber Data, BOM and Component Placement List (CPL) you find on my repository server