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LISY_Mini is the 'Raspbery PI only' version of LISY with the DIP-Swichces and Jumper-Banks the other LISY version have also. The LISY Imag ( 5.x and above) can run on LISY_Mini and will recognize that it runs on minimal Hardware.

LISY_Mini is designed to control other hardware via USB Serial Connection.

A first use case will be the 'Arduino Pinball Controller (APC)' which you can find here on Github. With APC you can Control Williams pinball machines from System 3 to System 11c (and the compatible Data East machines).

Use the Gerber Data below and let produce LISY_Mini from the PCB manufacturer of your choice (see instructions for ordering at '' here)

In case of any Question, do not hesitate to ask and send me an E-Mail.