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GottFA1_PLus - Power Supply, Lamp & Solenoiddriver included

Based on my GottFA1 MPU, but with integrated Soundcard, Power Supply and Driverboard.

When preassembled by JLCPCB  you only need to put some ICs into the sockets, solder the MP3 Miniplayer ( see my Reichelt shop cart), use 3 'M3' screw to fasten the voltage regulator on the heatsink and insert & program the Cyclone IV FPGA.

NEW with version 2.0:

- short-circuit-proof driver for lamps&solenoids

- integrated soundcard with background music capability

- serial USB interface for easy selftests & MPF interfacing (in development)

Caution! I had Feedback that the driver for the Q-Relais (Q1) does not work as expected. I'm working on a replacement.

GottFA1_PLuS delivered by JLCPCB


Gottlieb System1 games supported

Cleopatra - Sinbad - Joker Poker - Dragon - Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Charlie's Angels - Solar Ride - Count-Down - Pinball Pool- Totem - The Incredible Hulk - Genie - Buck Rogers - Torch - Roller Disco - Asteroid Annie and the Aliens

parts needed

In additon to the GottFA1 PCB preassembled by JLCPCB you need a few ICs, a MP3 Miniplayer, two micro SD cards, a FPGA and an USB Blaster to be able to program your FPGA.

With GottFA1_PLuS you need my Cyclone IV board and an UB Blaster capable of JTAG programming. Klick on the pictures below for details.

For the other parts see the Reichelt shop cart.

Parts from the Reichelt shop cart and the CycloneIV FPGA development board.

recommended USB Blaster
Cyclone IV board

Note: with Gottlieb it is always a good idea to replace the contacts in the edge connectors. This is also highly recommended for GottFA1!

Documentation & Software

Due to copyrigth on Gottlieb roms the SD card does not contain any rom code, but do provide the right structure for GottFA1_PLuS. Have a look at the user manual to see how you can copy your rom images onto the Sd card.

how to order your GottFA1_PLuS PCB

Have a look to the PCB documentation section.

Needed Gerber Data, BOM and Component Placement List (CPL) you find on my repository server

GottFA1_PLuS ( version 1.3 ) in a Gottlieb System1 Charlies Angels